Quick unit test and export document APIs base on scenario file (yaml)
// install via npm
npm install -g testapi6
// OR install via yarn
yarn global add testapi6 --prefix /usr/local
then installctr+shift+t
or command+option+t
The environment variables always only overide vars
in Testcase file
title: # Document title
description: # Document description
developer: email@gmail.com # Author
version: 1.0.0 # Document version
servers: # Example server in document
production: https://prod.abc.vn/my-service/v1.0
staging: https://staging.abc.vn/my-service/v1.0
development: http://localhost:3001
# debug: true
vars: # Declare global variables
templates: # Declare templates which not run
# Make request
- Api:
- Get:
- Post:
- Put:
- Patch:
- Delete:
- Head:
- Group:
# Make request
- Api: # REST API
- Get: # API GET method
- Delete: # API DELETE method
- Head: # API HEAD method
- Post: # API POST method
- Put: # API PUT method
- Patch: # API PATCH method
# Print
- Echo: # Print data
- Schema: # Print object schema
# Logic
- Script: # Inject javascript in scenario
- Vars: # Declare global variables
- Regex: # Handle regex string
# Validate
- Validate: # Validate logic
- Validator: # Create a new validator
# Common
- Pause: # Pause or delay calls
- Import: # Import files
- Load: # Load data file then assign the value to a variable
- Require: # Load external module or embed code to create a new tags
- Group: # Group steps to manage
- Exec: # Execute external command
- Utils: # Utility functions
- Define: # Declare new Utils/Validate/Vars
- Input: # Get user input keyboard
- OutputFile: # Save data to file
- DocSwagger: # Save to swagger document
- DocMarkdown: # Save to markdown document
- DocSequence: # Generate to sequence diagram base on comments in code
# Always pull new image
docker pull doanthuanthanh88/testapi6
# Run test without password
docker run --rm -v $PWD/benchmark.yaml:/test/index.yaml \
-e {var_name_1}={value} \ # This variable will overide vars which is declared in testcase/vars
-e URL=http://urlhere... \
# Run test with password
docker run --rm -v $PWD/benchmark.yaml.encrypt:/test/index.yaml.encrypt \
-e {var_name_1}={value} \ # This variable will overide vars which is declared in testcase/vars
-e URL=http://urlhere... \
doanthuanthanh88/testapi6 \
# Run with external libraries
docker run --rm -it -e MODULES="testapi6-mockapi testapi6-sql" -v $PWD/test/examples/mock_data.yaml:/test/index.yaml doanthuanthanh88/testapi6