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Quick unit test and export document APIs base on scenario file (yaml)


  1. Test APIs base on scenario files
  2. Validate response data, response headers...
  3. Re-use variable after each steps
  4. Split a big testcases to many smaller testcases which make easy testing for large project
  5. Easy to extends for specific project
  6. Load external library () and create tags by yourself
  7. Support run benchmark via wrk

External modules

  1. Redis: Execute redis commands
  2. Sql: Execute mysql, postgres... query
  3. Mongo: Execute mongo query command
  4. MockApi Create mocking api and serve static files
  5. gRPC Create a gRPC server to mock data and gRPC client to call others


How to use

Use via CLI

// install via npm
npm install -g testapi6
// OR install via yarn
yarn global add testapi6 --prefix /usr/local

Use in Visual Code

  • Search extension testapi6 then install
  • After installed, open .yaml file then ctr+shift+t or command+option+t

Run test


Env variable

The environment variables always only overide vars in Testcase file


title:                      # Document title
description:                # Document description
developer: email@gmail.com  # Author
version: 1.0.0              # Document version
servers:                  # Example server in document
  production: https://prod.abc.vn/my-service/v1.0
  staging: https://staging.abc.vn/my-service/v1.0
  development: http://localhost:3001
# debug: true
vars:                               # Declare global variables
templates:                          # Declare templates which not run
  # Make request
  - Api:
  - Get:
  - Post:
  - Put:
  - Patch:
  - Delete:
  - Head:
  - Group:
  # Make request
  - Api:            # REST API
  - Get:            # API GET method
  - Delete:         # API DELETE method
  - Head:           # API HEAD method
  - Post:           # API POST method
  - Put:            # API PUT method
  - Patch:          # API PATCH method
  # Print
  - Echo:           # Print data
  - Schema:         # Print object schema
  # Logic
  - Script:         # Inject javascript in scenario
  - Vars:           # Declare global variables
  - Regex:          # Handle regex string
  # Validate
  - Validate:       # Validate logic
  - Validator:      # Create a new validator
  # Common
  - Pause:          # Pause or delay calls
  - Import:         # Import files
  - Load:           # Load data file then assign the value to a variable
  - Require:        # Load external module or embed code to create a new tags
  - Group:          # Group steps to manage
  - Exec:           # Execute external command
  - Utils:          # Utility functions
  - Define:         # Declare new Utils/Validate/Vars
  - Input:          # Get user input keyboard
  - OutputFile:     # Save data to file
  - DocSwagger:     # Save to swagger document
  - DocMarkdown:    # Save to markdown document
  - DocSequence:    # Generate to sequence diagram base on comments in code

Scenario schema

Ref to schema



Run with docker

  # Always pull new image
  docker pull doanthuanthanh88/testapi6

  # Run test without password
  docker run --rm -v $PWD/benchmark.yaml:/test/index.yaml \
    -e {var_name_1}={value} \ # This variable will overide vars which is declared in testcase/vars
    -e URL=http://urlhere... \
  # Run test with password
  docker run --rm -v $PWD/benchmark.yaml.encrypt:/test/index.yaml.encrypt \
    -e {var_name_1}={value} \ # This variable will overide vars which is declared in testcase/vars
    -e URL=http://urlhere... \
    doanthuanthanh88/testapi6 \
  # Run with external libraries
  docker run --rm -it -e MODULES="testapi6-mockapi testapi6-sql" -v $PWD/test/examples/mock_data.yaml:/test/index.yaml doanthuanthanh88/testapi6